Enjoy shopping!

7. Add saline solution to a flaky mascara formula to re-wet it.

You're only supposed to keep mascara for three months, because beyond that point, it can collect bacteria and lead to eye infections. However, if your mascara dries up within those three months, revive it with a couple drops of saline solution.

8. Hit your eyelash curler with a hair dryer to heat it up, so your lashes curl easier.

Blowing hot air on your eyelash curler will help your lashes curl easier and stay curled longer; it works the same way heat changes the pattern of your hair and holds a curl with a curling iron. To do it, hit the lash curler with your blow dryer until it heats up, wait until it cools slightly but is still warm (you want to be sure not to burn your eyelid), and then clamp down on your lashes to curl them.

9. Dust on translucent powder in between coating on mascara to plump up your lashes.

The translucent powder helps grip the mascara in between coats, leaving you with fuller lashes.